

oh what did i do today at work today you ask?
well, it was freezing cold. 
so we whipped out the space heater.
all huddled in the shelter
and watched Cars.
some even fell asleep.
it was awesome.
and i only partially feel guilty about getting paid for it.
then we played baseball.
and then it was time to go home.

i also very much enjoyed this message from a friend:
"I'm going to change my relationship status to widowed.....because I've come to the decision that the guy I'm supposed to marry must have died and that's why he hasn't come along ..."
Never-been-married-widow support group anyone?

tonight i went on an adventure with samuel and mom to bagpipe practice and the Boise Co-Op
oh the things you will find...


All About Gretchen! said...

Does that sign mean what I think it means???

Kym said...

I think we should totally start a never been married widow support group! That's hilarious

Dana Cheryl said...

OH my gosh!! I'm laughing soooooo hard! Can I join your never been married widow support group? I've been saying that my future husband must've died since getting home from my mission!!! Genius idea!